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Auskari "Ķēdes un sarkanā jašma"

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Auskari "Ķēdes un sarkanā jašma"
Auskari "Ķēdes un sarkanā jašma"
Auskari "Ķēdes un sarkanā jašma"

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Auskaru garums 3.8cm


Jašmas akmens labās īpašības
Jašma ir viens no daudzpusīgākajiem un dziednieciskajiem akmeņiem, kas pazīstams jau kopš seniem laikiem. Tam tiek piedēvētas daudzas labvēlīgas īpašības, kas var pozitīvi ietekmēt gan fizisko, gan emocionālo veselību.

Jašmas akmens tiek uzskatīts par:

  • Aizsardzības akmeni: Jašma veido aizsargājošu enerģētisku vairogu ap cilvēku, pasargājot no negatīvās enerģijas, ļaunās acs un kaitīgiem ietekmiem.
  • Iezemējuma akmeni: Jašma palīdz stiprināt saikni ar zemi, sniedzot stabilitātes un drošības sajūtu. Tas arī palīdz mazināt stresu un trauksmi.
  • Dziedināšanas akmeni: Jašmai tiek piedēvētas dziednieciskas īpašības, kas var palīdzēt ārstēt dažādas kaites, piemēram, ādas problēmas, gremošanas traucējumus un muskuļu sāpes.
  • Enerģijas līdzsvarotājs: Jašma palīdz līdzsvarot čakras un enerģijas plūsmu organismā, veicinot vispārējo labsajūtu.
  • Atbalsta akmens: Jašma sniedz atbalstu grūtos brīžos, palīdzot saglabāt pozitīvu attieksmi un pārvarēt izaicinājumus.

Sarkanā jašma: Stimulē dzīvības spēku, aizsargā, uzlabo pašapziņu.

Kā lietot jašmas akmeni?

  • Kā rotu: Nēsājot jašmas rotaslietu, tu visu laiku būsi apveltīts ar tā dziednieciskajām īpašībām.
  • Meditācijā: Novieto jašmas akmeni uz čakrām vai tuvumā, lai pastiprinātu meditācijas efektu.
  • Mājās: Novieto jašmas akmeni mājās, lai radītu mierīgu un harmonisku atmosfēru.

Svarīgi atcerēties:

Jašma ir dabīgs akmens, un tā īpašības var atšķirties atkarībā no konkrētā parauga.
Jašmas akmens neaizstāj tradicionālo medicīnu. Ja tev ir kādas veselības problēmas, konsultējies ar ārstu.

for this ornament


  • Nerūsējošais tērauds

Gold plating:

  • Dzeltenais zelts

Earring type:

  • Bez kristāliem
  • Nokareni

Earring closure:

  • Riņķītis

Color :

  • Sarkana


How to order jewelry?

  1. Choose the desired jewelry and add it to the shopping cart.
  2. Fill in the required information for delivery and payment.
  3. Pay for your order and we will ship it the next day after payment.
  4. Free shipping is automatically applied to orders over €50.

Shipping & Returns

In Latvia, using Omniva or Latvian Post services, at a price of EUR 3.

In Lithuania and Estonia - 6 EUR.
Worldwide - please contact us for shipping options.


Exercise your right to return any product within 14 calendar days of receipt by sending a return letter to the specified email address. All expenses related to the return of goods are borne by the buyer.

Contact us

If you have questions or special needs, please contact us:
Phone: +371 25629657
Address: Vabu street 21, Riga, LV-1030

Which gilding is the most suitable for you?

Not sure which gold plated jewelry is best for you?

Choosing the perfect piece of jewelry can be difficult... This guide will reveal the unique styles and benefits of Mix gold (a combination of rose and yellow gold), classic rose gold, timeless yellow gold and elegant white gold.

Find out how each coating will complement your style and the mood you want to feel...

Read the blog article here

What is gold-plated jewelry and how to care for it?

Gold-plated jewelry is metal jewelry with a layer of another metal on top, in this case liquid gold. They neutralize water and destroy allergy-causing microorganisms. Because the layer of gold plating is very thin, gold-plated jewelry is much more affordable than jewelry made from real gold. An additional protective layer is also applied to the gold coating so that the jewelry is optimally protected against scratches and damage. That is why they keep their shine, do not get scratched. does not remain "black", does not cause an allergic reaction, and cubic zirconia, the stone most often used in gold-plated jewelry, retains its shine for a long time.

How to keep gold plated jewelry beautiful?
Continue reading here

FREE DELIVERY for all orders over €50
EASY RETURN - 14 days with Omniva parcel
20% DISCOUNT for your order over €70 | Use code: DIMANTU20

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What are the delivery terms and methods when ordering jewelry?

Our delivery options are convenient and flexible. If you are in Latvia, your order will be delivered via parcel post within 2-5 working days or by courier within 1-2 working days after payment of the invoice.

Outside the territory of Latvia, depending on the workload of Latvijas Pasts, delivery may take up to 10 working days.

What is the return process if I want to return the purchased jewelry?

The return process is easy and free. Please visit the platform, enter the name of our store, and follow the instructions. We want your shopping experience to be worry-free and convenient.

What are our jewelry quality guarantees?

We guarantee 100% quality plating and detailing in all our jewelry. If your jewelry is found to be defective, please contact us immediately. Our goal is to provide high quality products and excellent customer service.